- Waterfalls on Split Rock River
- 12 miles of hiking trails, 6 miles mtn bike trails, 8 miles of paved road bike path
- Cart-in Tent Campground, also backpack and kayak campsites
- Lighthouse Tour & History Center
- Lake Superior Beachs
- Day Use Picnic Areas and Shelters
- Lake Superior Overlooks
- Winter: cross-country skiing, snowshoe trails, and winter camping (water and flush toilets available in Trail Center)
- 20 cart-in sites, 4 backpack sites
- Showers and flush toilets
- Some Handicap Accessible Trails
- Park and History Center is open year round; Lighthouse Tour summers only
- Wayside Rest Center: Free 6 hour Parking
- 218-226-6377
- www.dnr.state.mn.us/state_parks/split_rock_lighthouse