Value Index - composite score of playability, condition, scenic value, and price ratings
Playability - Course is playable with well placed shots without having to rely on luck, conforms to good design standards, minimum of gimmicky hazards, greens read reliably.
Condition - Greens, fairways, and T-boxes contain quality grass and well maintained. Longer grass immediately adjacent to fairways properly maintained. Cart paths well maintained. Adequacy of signage/hole diagrams.
Scenic value - Attractiveness of flora and fauna, diversity and interest in natural landscape, scenic views from greens and t-boxes, attractiveness of structures.
Price - See Legend
Lost ball index - a tongue-in-cheek estimate of the probability of losing golf balls! It also serves to signify degree of course challenge due to water hazards, ditches, terrain, and narrowness of fairways combined with proximity and density of woods and rough.
Amenities Index - composite score of club house, pro shop, and practice area ratings.
Club House - Ambience, extensiveness and comfort of facilities(bar, food service, lounge, washrooms, etc.), customer service.
Pro Shop - Selection of golfing accessories, condition/quality of rentals, condition/quality of golf carts, teaching programs, customer service.
Practice Area - quality, availability and value of practice putting greens, chipping greens, golf range, short practice courses.
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