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Interim Research Report (3/31/05)


Personality Type and Outdoor Recreation

By Ross Reinhold, intj

Index of links to all 16 research reports

ENTP -Table 1.

ENFP - Table 2.

Favorite Outdoor Activities of
ENTP Types



% #1

or #2

Day Hiking



Overnight Backpacking



Overnight Canoe Tripping



Day Canoe Tripping






None of the Above






The Backpacking Type! A significantly greater interest in overnight backpacking than many of the other types. Also a relative greater degree of interest in Kayaking.

A wide variety of other outdoor pursuits were favored as well: mountain biking, rock climbing (4), surfing, snowboarding (2), skiing, golf, running, swimming, diving, mountain climbing, and road biking (2)were among several that were listed. One person mentioned "I LOVE to be outside." ENTPs are generally considered an adventuresome type as reflected in this comment: "I'll try a bit of everything. enjoy most outdoor pursuits, especially climbing." More than 20% mentioned rock climbing or mountain climbing as among their favorite interests.

Wonder what it is about backpacking, hiking and climbing that fits ENTP? The three activities do package together nicely. At least around Lake Superior, the most favorite day and long distance trails scale hills and mountains, cross rivers, and at times involve aspects of climbing rocks! There is a sense of adventure, challenge, and being physically active that motivates some other outdoor types. But perhaps what distinctively appeals to an ENTP is the enjoyment of being on the top of a mountain or a hill with its panoramic overlook of the landscape. This experience matches well their overall mental perspective of needing to get an overview of an entire situation. Being high above things also has a parallel in the detachment and independent thinking that ENTPs value. Yet because hiking and climbing also involve physical exertion, contact with and expertly negotiating the terrain, and a degree of teamwork/cooperating with others, there remains a connectedness with nature, people and things that does not interfere with their mental detachment.

Favorite Outdoor Activities of
ENFP Types



% #1

or #2

Day Hiking



Overnight Backpacking



Overnight Canoe Tripping



Day Canoe Tripping






None of the Above



*Total N was 29 but 2 people responded NA to all questions.



ENFPs illustrate a more typical pattern of outdoor interests: Day Hiking #1 and Overnight Backpacking #2. In general less interest in canoe tripping than other types and an average relative interest in kayaking.


Other listed interests are quite varied and active but not quite as adventuresome as ENTPs: horseback riding, bike riding (several mentions), walking, short hikes with the dog, nature hikes (2), rafting, snorkeling, visiting waterfalls, snowboarding (2), skiing, mountain biking, swimming (2), climbing, diving, random drives to new places, and camping (several mentions). This type as a group probably had the most "other" interests listed and listed "camping" more often than other types.

While in general the other interests were not as physically challenging (regular biking vs mountain biking, short hikes and nature walks vs mountain climbing, etc.) there are some more adventuresome souls among ENFPs: "I am currently planning a backpacking trip around the world!!! And I'm going with my boyfriend who happens to be INFP."


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Links for More Information on Personality Type:

Myers-Briggs Test *: What's Your Myers-Briggs MBTI Personality Type?

An introduction to the Myers-Briggs Model of Personality Type

Learn about characteristics of the 16 MBTI Personality Types

Center for Applications of Psychological Type

Association for Psychological Type


® MBTI, Myers-Briggs, and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator are registered trademarks or trademarks of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Trust in the United States and other countries


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